1. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY. Participating choirs of the Choir Showcase (hereafter referred to as “CS”), by entering, agree to indemnify and hold Footman-Brewer Enterprises, LLC, showcase affiliates, agencies, media partners, all sponsors and any third parties, harmless from and against any claims and/or actions in connection with this promotion. 2. By entering the CS, entrant, or their parents or legal guardian (if such entering choir consists of minors, to include 13 years old or younger; in which case a legal guardian/parent must provide permission for participation), agree to accept and be bound by the decisions of the SHOWCASE which are final and binding in all matters. Entrant must be a US resident of South Carolina at the time of entering to qualify for this promotion. 3. Enter at www.choirshowcase.com. Each entry must include: A. Completed the online entry form. B. A MP3 containing 1 song only, 5 minutes or less in length and either emailed directly to music@ChoirShowcase.com OR upload to a special FTP site for free at www.sendspace.com (follow instructions provided on this FTP site); For “how to upload or create an MP3” email music@ChoirShowcase.com or call the Showcase direct line at (843) 573-7975. C. CS Participants must use original works OR receive use rights for copyright protected compositions. A copy of the permission must be provided. And while it is not mandatory in order to participate, register or enter, BUT if entering an original work you are solely responsible for the legalities of protecting your material. Churches may enter a maximum of one group. There is no limit to the number churches that can participate. D. All entries must be received by the closing of the church registration period. 4. The entry will be reviewed by online listeners that are asked to listen to the music and indicate which they think are the “best-of-the-best” in an online selection process. 5. The nine groups with the greatest support will become this year’s Finalists. The entire selection process will take place on the official CS website www.choirshowcase.com. The nine groups with the greatest number of online selections will be invited to perform at the Choir Showcase. 6. The groups selected by the public as the best-of-the-best will receive recognition, media coverage and appear various locations to build awareness for their churches and ministries. These nine groups will perform at the CS Concert (see official schedule for details). 7. All participating groups will receive complimentary passes to attend (passes are allocated for participating choir members ONLY; a full list of each active choir member and groups participating in the showcase must be provided immediately following your invitation to perform at the showcase). A. Additional appearances, to include but not limited to: Mandatory Conference Call to discuss details as a finalist representative i. Performance at area locations (details forthcoming) ii. Rehearsal(s) with CS Music Producer & CS Music Director iii. Media Interviews and Appearances iv. Event Promotion within Church and Community, etc. 8. Showcase Participants are allowed to enter one song per choir. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that the submitted song is complete and playable. 9. The CS is open to all choirs and anyone regardless of Christian denomination (Baptist, Assembly of God, COGIC, etc.). 10. The Finalists will be chosen by fans and supporters as stated above. A. Prizes: the best-of-the-best will receive: . Opportunity to perform during the Choir Showcase i. A listing in the special Choir Showcase program guide ii. Additional Media Publicity & Interviews 11. Entry constitutes permission to use the entrants and winners’ names, images, likeness and voices for future publicity and advertising purposes without compensation. 12. The CS reserves the right to extend the deadline of the showcase if needed. 13. Entrant agrees that should his or her choir’s song be selected as a best-of-the-best, Footman-Brewer Enterprises, LLC, showcase affiliates, media partners, all sponsors shall have the right to include the finalist’s song and or other online entries to be used for future promotional purposes. 14. Entrant agrees that should his or her choir’s song be selected as a best-of-the-best, becoming one of the nine finalists, that their entire group will make themselves available for rehearsals as scheduled by the SHOWCASE in order to insure the highest possible level of performance and coordination with other elements of the concert presentation. 15. Entrant agrees to be bound by all terms of these official SHOWCASE Rules as established herein. These rules may be changed by the SHOWCASE to ensure fairness and/or the original intent of the promotion. 16. Entrant understands that failure to abide by the provisions of these rules may result in disqualification from the SHOWCASE at its discretion. REMEMBER: The Finalists will perform their songs at the Choir Showcase and must adhere to all the rules, rehearsals and appearances referenced above (finalists will be announced and notified). |