
How It Works

It’s as easy as counting to 4! Follow these phases:

1 — Churches can officially register their Choir by completing the online registration. The online registration form can be found on the Registration page of this site. There’s no limit to the number of churches that can participate.

2 — Participating churches must submit a recording of their group performing an original selection of their choir or use permission based materials. See the Showcase Rules page on this site for more information on submissions, including the use rights for copyright protected compositions. The recording must be a MP3 containing 1 song only, 5 minutes in length and emailed directly to .

3 — Everyone in the community will be encouraged to visit the to listen to the music and indicate which they think are the “best-of-the-best” in an online selection process. The nine groups with the greatest support will become this year’s finalists or overall winners.

4 — The nine groups selected by the public as the “best-of-the-best” will receive lots of recognition, media coverage and appear at various area locations to build awareness for their churches and ministries. These nine groups will perform at the Choir Showcase Concert which may be recorded for a subsequent TV broadcast and issued as a commemorative DVD.